1.Working environment
1)Respect, integration, attribution, Learning. Perched on the ideal position, struggling on the ladder of growth. To stand here with faith and fight together; Work in good faith here; Here they are happy and cheerful; Here we won’t bored to learn, we bravely rushed to the race; The affirmation and shaping of ideal personality that develops comprehensively here; Here to realize the soul and the whole concept of sublimation. (photo)
2)Behavioral rewards. Kingsung Medical Group actively promotes a fair, timely and open positive energy incentive culture within the whole group, and timely commends and rewards employees for their excellent behaviors.
激励员工 Staff Motivation
被认可,体现正向激励 Be recognized, Reflect positive motivation
传递战略 Transfer strategy
关键行为,战略实现 Critical behavior,Strategy implementation
打造文化 Build culture
员工行动 文化落地 Employees' actions, Cultural landing
2.To provide staff with a rich corporate culture and team building activities
部门团建基金 Departmental
Team Building Fund
- 用于部门定期组织团建活动和座谈会 To organize regular team building activities and seminars for the
2) 生日会
Birthday Party
- 每月举办员工生日会 Monthly hold Birthday Party for employee
cutting + birthday song + birthday gift
3)各类评优活动 Various
appraisal activities
- 优秀奖励评选 Excellent award 是selection
- 优秀员工评选 Excellent employee evaluation
- 一次性奖励+总裁聚餐
Single-time bonus + CEO dinner
4)团队主题活动 Themed
- 团队拓展活动 Team promotional activities
- 团队主题榜样评选活动 Team-themed Role Models Selection activities
- 文化宣讲大赛 Cultural propaganda Contest
- 全员学习活动 Full staff learning activities